I love to watch the shows on Animal Planet. Sometimes I do try some of the training tips on Sasha. One thing that is working is something they call "targeting". I have her sit and then put out my hand, palm towards her and call her name, when she touches my hand with her nose, she gets a treat. It sounds too simple I know, but I do it over and over(with just a small treat each time). She loves it of course because of the treat. Sasha does not come when called so this is what I am trying to get her to do. The other day Sasha got out without her leash, which is a nightmare usually. I put out my hand and called her name and she came!!!! I couldn't believe it. It actually worked, perhaps there is hope for my sassy girl. I didn't give her a treat but praised her and honestly since then she comes when any one of us puts out our hand and calls her. Now mind you this took me a couple of weeks of steady work with her, but I am so proud of her. One thing accomplished, now to work on going potty in the house, biting people, getting into trouble constantly, oh the list goes on. Another day for that lol.
Sashy wishes you all a good day